A collection of artwork and architectural work in all its various forms. For reminiscing and ruminating on past projects and motivating projects of the future.




To respect the obligations and responsibilities of design.

To provide solutions to the fundamental questions which recognise the brief, materials, site, sun, soils and ghosts.

To transcend the mere utilitarian, which makes a difference and pursues ART in its broadest definition.

To provide solutions that are polite to their neighbours and sustainable to all.

To provide the skills necessary to realise our clients visions and aspirations.

To recognise that these skills encompass all forms of communication; written, spoken, sculptured, drawn, including the latest IT systems available.

To respect history whilst having the courage to question.

To understand society’s needs from first world board rooms to rural paddocks.



University of Cape Town
1983 Bachelor of Architectural Studies: BAS
1986 Bachelor of Architecture: BArch
Registered Architect Queensland, A.I.A



Architectural practices:
Cape Town, South Africa
Harare, Zimbabwe
Brisbane, Australia

Various Amateur Art Exhibitions



0400 333 135


© 2019. Mike Carter (B Arch) | Brisbane, Australia

Website by Designing Simple